Due to the fact that each application or job is different, unfortunately there is no off-the-shelf product that can be used to accurately answer this question.
It goes without saying that some adhesives will perform better than others dependent on the application, the substrates that are being bonded, the environment the adhesive will be subjected to and of course any surface preparation carried out prior to bonding.
If we focus on tensile strength alone, epoxy adhesives could arguably be classed as the strongest adhesives.
Tensile strength simply refers to how strong the cured adhesive is in relation to how much internal strength it has to resist external forces on the bond line. Tensile - is the pull exerted equally over the entire joint. Pull direction is straight and away from the adhesive bond.
Epoxy adhesives can have short or long cure time, be rigid or flexible, have excellent environmental resistance and are good for resisting high loadings.
One part epoxy adhesives will give the ultimate performance, particularly in applications where heat resistance is a factor and /or there is a harsh environment be it mechanical or environmental. One part products are excellent for metal bonding in applications such as the manufacture of bicycle frames, heat exchanger and transformer manufacture. These products can replace metal soldering and brazing.
To view or order one of our epoxy adhesives, click here.
Alternatively if you have any questions about epoxy or any of our other adhesives, drop an email to - enquiries@firststoppackaging.co.uk?.