Tape dispensers are used widely throughout many industries. They provide a simple and efficient method for applying packaging tapes to cardboard boxes ready for despatch, shipping, storage or moving.

Dispensers enable the tape to be applied and cut at speed, so finding the right dispenser will ultimately save your business valuable time and money.

Dispensers are reusable and reloading them is usually extremely quick and easy. However, if you are using a dispenser for the first time and need a little guidance on how to load it, we have put together this simple and quick how-to guide.


STEP 1 - Place the packaging tape on to the dispenser. Align the roll so that it unwinds counter-clockwise (adhesive side down).

STEP 2 - Pull the end of the tape through the space between the dispenser roller and the metal shield. Then pull the tape over the roller. Note: the sticky side of the tape needs to be face down.

STEP 3 - Pull the tape across the blade to cut off any excess.

STEP 4 - The tape should now be ready to apply. If you want to loosen or tighten tape unwind speed you can do this using the spring loaded roll tensioner normally located within the centre of the core holder (if fitted).

We offer a range of packaging tapes from leading manufacturers such as 3M and tesa as well as packaging tape dispensers online at First Stop Packaging.

If you have any further questions about any of our packaging tapes or packaging dispensers, email our team at – enquiries@firststoppackaging.co.uk